Monday, March 29, 2010

Nothing fits my dog!


Today is Monday and no, I am not on spring break. My spring break starts on Thursday and I cannot wait for that. At school, things have went normal. Same old timetable and same old classes and teachers. Pretty boring, I must say. Sometimes I just wish I can lay in bed all day after a refreshing bath and read. Because I think I don't read that much as I need to. In the morning, the weather( thanks Chelsea for spelling that for me) was very bad. Also, the time change is HORRIBLE. I have to wake up early, and get to bed sooner. Do you like that? Well...I don't.
Since the weather got better when I got home, I took my puppy for walk. I cannot wait for the day that Leina can go out and meet my doggy. Leina is Chelsea's puppy. I took him for a walk and also ran a bit with him. I heard that if you make your puppy to run, his nails will get smaller and that is the thing that I need. The has huge nails that scratch really bad but I cannot take him to the vet yet. 
I wanted to buy him a leash( thanks Chelsea for telling me that) but it seems that she is between sizes. One was too small, one was too big. What can I say? Nothing fits my dog!

You can find my beauty blog here.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I am a movie addict...


I have come to the conclusion that I am a true movie addict. I have tons and tons of DVD's that I have seen twice or even three times each. I go to the cinema every weekend and I just never get bored of it. I think I got this feature from my dad. He is a movie addict also. He likes watching movies till he falls asleep and that's just how I am also. 
Today it was a pretty interesting day. Where I live, there was a time change and I woke up at 9:30 which yesterday meant 8:30. I hate that. Anyway, in the morning before I left to the shopping mall, I went to my beauty salon which is right on the first floor of the building that I live in. After that, I went to see a movie with my mom, since it is her birthday. Happy Birthday, Mum! We saw "Leap Year" which was a really good and funny movie. After that, My family and I decided that we are going to see another movie at a local cinema. We saw "The Bounty Hunter" which was probably one of the most funniest movies I have ever seen. I already picked a few things for my new room. They are chic yet very stylish.

You can find my beauty blog here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Getting some fresh air...


Today I woke up extremely early even though it's weekend. I couldn't go back to sleep so started wondering around the house. I had a reservation to go see Alice In Wonderland at last, so after I ate I started thinking of what I am going to were. Concerning the movie, it was very nice with awesome effects. I will post a movie review on my main beauty blog. Link will be at the end for that. 
Since 5 days of the week I do basically the same thing which is school, I decided that today I am going to go get some fresh air in the park with my dog after a nice session of a shopping mall. The weather was AH-MA-ZING and that made me feel even better. I ran and played with my dog all day and I also took some very nice pictures with my new Nikon camera. 
After the park, we went to a house residence to get some ideas and also see if we can buy a piece of land in which we are going to build our own house. I have been thinking of ideas for my new BIG room. I will also have a dressing in which I am going to organize my clothes and my accessories. I am really excited! I am going to have my own bathroom and be able to design it however I want.
I will make a blogpost with my ideas that I have so far for my room. Until I go to sleep I am going to pick a DVD and watch it with my dog, which right now I think he is sleeping.


You can find my beauty channel here. 

Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to my Diary!


Since I was little I've always wanted to keep a diary. Just like the nice and fancy princesses I used to see in movies all the time. I would have my own little notebook in which I would write my thoughts and just everything that ran through my mind.

Till now I think I started tons of notebooks and little agenda's and I would call them as my diary. Now, I wish that again. To have a nice diary in which I would write everything that runs through my mind.
Since I like typing more than I like writing, I decided I would start my diary and share it with the world.

From now on, I will write here daily. Whatever runs through my mind that day, I will post it.
I hope I can keep it up and don't skip a day...

You can find my beauty and fashion blog here.